Department of Veterinary Medicine IACUC Training

The UAF Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is administered through the Office of Research Integrity. Department of Veterinary classes that include the use of live animals or cadavers all have IACUC protocols associated with them. All Department of Veterinary Medicine faculty, staff, and students included in a class IACUC personnel list must complete IACUC training before classes begin. For incoming students, this training is available before you arrive at UAF, so you are strongly encouraged to complete it before arriving for Orientation. Training must be renewed every 3 years.

Required Modules

Lab Researchers – Basic (or Lab Researchers – Refresher)

Working with Dogs

Working with Cats

Working with Horses

If your work also includes research with live animals, you may be required to complete additional modules (e.g. Field Researchers, Wildlife Research, I work with Mice, etc.). Please consult George Aguiar

How to Access IACUC Training

Training is available at CITI Program HomePage (

  1. Select the Register button at the top right to create an account
  2. Search for the University of Alaska Fairbanks as your Participating Institution and continue the registration process
  3. You will be presented with a number of options for Curriculum. For all questions except for Question 3, answer “Not at this time”. For Question 3 - Animal Care and Use (IACUC), select Lab Researchers – Basic (or Refresher), I work with Dogs, I work with Cats, Working with Horses
  4. The Learner Menu will then display the course. Select “Enter” to begin. You do not have to finish all modules at one time; CITIPRogram saves your scores each time you submit answers so you can log out and resume later.

You must also complete a Personal Information Form (PIF; IACUC Personal Information Form). Students will be sent more detailed instructions for completing this form prior to Orientation.


Please email Susan Harry ( with confirmation of completion of each module.